Summer II 2016
Enroll in a course to learn what students know and are able to do in the areas of geometry and measurement as described in mathematics education research studies and the recent administration of the National Assessment of Educational Progress. In the United States and other countries, school geometry has often been the repository of proof. Consequently, you will also learn about students’ proof capabilities in the area of geometry. You will also learn about the van Hiele Levels of Geometric Understanding. We will also explore geometry in the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics as well as students’ use of and understanding as a result of interactive geometry environments (e.g., Geometer’s Sketchpad). These research findings and the frameworks that they use will be marshaled to analyze different middle school and high school curricula. A number of different activities, such as online discussions, will be used during the course. All students will be asked to complete a culminating project geared toward their particular interests.
Practicing teachers who are not currently students at WMU may apply for Graduate Non Degree Admission to take the course. Prospective teachers who are WMU undergraduate students may take the course using the course number Math 5990 – Geometry in Curriculum.
For more information, contact Jon Davis.