- Does your department have a shared understanding of the FIRST Standard for Mathematical Practice: problem solving and perseverance?
- Do you know what to look for and expect from your students when they are engaged in this Practice Standard?
- Do you know how to support your students in learning to problem solve and persevere in mathematics?
If you answered ‘no’ to any of these questions, register to attend this two-day workshop to explore ways to successfully engage students in MAKING SENSE OF PROBLEMS AND PERSEVERING IN SOLVING THEM.
4/18/12 and 5/30/12
The Standards for Mathematical Practice outline the experiences and interactions ALL students should have with mathematics. In these two days, we will explore strategies for problem solving and persevering in depth. After developing a common understanding of what the practice standard LOOKS and SOUNDS like in classrooms, we will explore new resources that have been developed for teachers to assist you in implementing this signpost practice standard.
Each participant will receive 2 books. One relates to problem solving and the other relates to perseverance. We will use the books to explore strategies for supporting students in problem solving and perseverance.
REGISTER NOW. Space is limited to 50.
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