All Michigan schools with students in 9th grade and higher will receive two years of ACT’s online prep free of charge. This will include all public, private and charter schools. It is anticipated that ACT will be sending all building Principals and MME test supervisors an email sometime this month with the password that will allow electronic monitoring of usage of the program along with the ability to monitor student progress and test information.
The ACT Online Prep Service includes:
- Two full practice tests with real ACT test items.
- Practice essays for the ACT writing test with real-time scoring (100 writing units per school).
- Comprehensive content review for each of the ACT’s four required tests: English, Math, Reading and Science.
- Diagnostic tests and personalized study paths for individual students.
- Anywhere, anytime access via the Internet.
The site license for this product normally has an annual cost of $1,060.
Keep your eyes peeled for the email from ACT for more information.
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