MDE’s Bureau of Assessment and Accountability (BAA) is
currently developing online K-2 interim assessments (pretest-posttest) in English
Language Arts and Mathematics. These are CCSS-aligned, and most (all for
K and 1) of the items are technology enhanced items. MDE will be
conducting our first K-2 ELA and Mathematics item committee reviews in June
(3-4 days during the week of June 10 for content review, and 3-4 days during
the week of June 17 for bias/sensitivity/accessibility review). MDE is in need of educators that would like to be part of these K-2 item
reviews, especially in Mathematics. If you know of Michigan educators that would like to be
part of these K-2 interim item reviews, please have them complete the
BAACommittee Participation Application.
MDE will be sending invitations out for the June K-2 ELA and
Mathematics item reviews late next week, so please encourage interested
individuals to complete the application as soon as possible to ensure their
application is received in time.
MDE will also be developing high school mathematics
course-based interim assessments in the near future, so if you know of
individuals that would be interested in participating in those committee
reviews when they occur (likely some time during the 2013-14 school year),
please also encourage them to complete the application
as well.
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